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Lust and greed are animal traits

If a human being exclusively and wholly lives for food, sleep, fear, sex etc. his would be considered an animal-like existence, devoid of any higher purpose. The least rise in the intensity of desire or impatience makes man take recourse to unfair means and turns the individual into a reckless devil. Individuals with such devil character traits make life hellish not only for themselves but also for others. Lust and greed are the two most powerful of these evil traits, which remain ever unstated. There is no end to cravings for sex and desires for acquiring more and more things for comfort, pleasure and luxury. Life is an endless cycle of desire, temporary satisfaction and still more intense craving. The more one indulges in sex, acquires material things, the greater become agitations' of the mind:  worries, wants and anxieties; and these go on increasing day by day. Whatever pleasure one gets through sensual indulgence is followed by disenchantment, fatigue and unhappiness. The knowledge that the present sense gratification would not last long and its ultimate end would bring unhappiness of loss creates a vicious cycle. In this way, perspective of body consciousness drags man towards immorality, suffering, craving and turbulence in mind. Nevertheless, man keeps on seeking true happiness in material things.
Real success and prosperity in life lies in remaining ever conscious of one's true identity. When man identifies himself with ATMA (soul), his aspirations and inclinations naturally being to follow the righteous path of self discipline, which provides true happiness to the soul.

The food for soul
Whenever a person commits immoral acts like theft, violence, adultery, deception, he has a queer feeling of uneasiness within. His limbs start shaking and pulse-rate becomes irregular. It is nothing but an adverse reaction of the higher self (soul) to an immoral act or behavior of the lower animal self. Immorality is contrary to the nature and interests of the soul. On the other hand, virtuous acts involving altruism, philanthropy, kindheartedness, self-sacrifice and continence provide great inner satisfaction, lightheartedness, cheerfulness and exhilaration.  Only those persons who are able to listen to the promptings of the soul (conscience) and act accordingly, are righteous and noble. Having risen above animal drives, a person tuned to the voice of conscience can never commit a sinful or evil act.

Virtuous acts provide inner peace and joy to the soul in this world, as well as in the world beyond. Thus, the well-being of the soul lies in living virtuously. On the contrary, body considers its well-being in subtle and gross gratification of the mind and body. Unfortunately mass of humanity spend their entire lives in the blind routine of appeasing the urges of the body, which unlike the soul, is destined to decay and die; but in this process soul bound in ignorance keeps on accumulating sins. No doubt such lifestyle gives fleeting pleasures to the body and to mind, but the soul is exposed to suffering in this world and in the world beyond. The body is required to undergo hardships in the course of performance of virtuous acts for the from sense-indulgence, the body cannot properly perform virtuous and noble acts. It is therefore required to be subjected to such disciplines as continence, sacrifice of self interests, control of wayward thoughts, speech, actions, moderation in sex and philanthropy. It is therefore evident that well being of body and soul a re dramatically opposite. One has to choose between the two.
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