Instant Enlightenment

In these days of instant coffee, time-saving devices, and quick service restaurants, some people are impatient. They want fast results - instant Enlightenment. So they turn to psychedelic (mind expanding) drugs to chemically precipitate an instantaneous shift to higher consciousness. But more and more people are realizing that drugs are not the way to self-realization; they are only a faint reflection, a shadowy glimmer, of that blissful, all expanded state of consciousness. Many of the "Gurus" of the psychedelic movement in the West have widely spoken of their own realization of the limitations of drugs: Drugs opened the door for us into the mansion of the mind, and we saw there are so many rooms inside. But then we found that drugs could only give us a glimpse of the interior - they could not lead us inside to explore. For that, we have to meditate - there is no short-cut .Richard Al pert (Ram Dass), one of the pioneers of LSD use who later turned to Yoga, described his psychedelic career: "It was a terribly frustrating experience, as if you came into the kingdom of heaven and you saw how it all was and you felt new states of awareness, and then you got cast out again.
 Many experimental studies have shown that meditation is a superior replacement for the grug "high", as 85% of drug users in some studies - even drug abusers - who start practicing meditation completely stop taking drugs (psychedelics, amphetamines, opiates, and alcohol). One scientist commented, "One sees many long-time drug users give up drugs for meditation. But one does not see any long-term meditations give up meditation to become acid-heads. This observation supports the contention that the highs obtainable by meditation are better than the highs obtainable through drugs.
Indeed, sometimes sudden drug-induced glimpses of higher consciousness may even be dangerous. When one abruptly penetrates into the powerful super-conscious realm and the tremendous energies of that state are suddenly released, if the mind and body have not been carefully prepared to receive them, the result may be a "bad trip" - or even psychosis. Many mediums whose minds are very sensitive to super-conscious influences are constantly fearful of "evil spirits"; but what they call "possession" is actually their loss of control over their own overwhelming supra-mental forces.
Artistic geniuses like Blake, Verlaine, Coleridge, Baudelaire and Ban Gogh, who worked in a state of super-conscious awareness, often suffered greatly trying to integrate this break-through to higher realms with the "reality" of their everyday lives. Van Gogh constantly felt himself going mad; he painted his last painting of a road ending abruptly in the middle of a cornfield and after he finished it, killed himself in the cornfield.
Thus, Yogis have always emphasized the importance of the gradual and careful preparation of the mind and body to receive and control the unlimited powers of the super-conscious state. One master told his disciple, who had begged him to give him the experience of higher consciousness, "as a small lamp bulb would be shattered by excessive voltage, so your nerves are unready for the cosmic current. If I gave you the infinite ecstasy right now, you would burn as through every cell where on fire". Through centuries of experimentation, a scientific physical and mental system was developed to safely and easily attain the bliss of higher consciousness and then integrate these expanded states with normal, waking consciousness, to live life with fuller awareness.

Like hypnosis, drug-induced altered states of consciousness lead us not out of bondage but further into it - for the goal of every human being is liberation through consummate self-control.

Inner Transformation and Virtuous Elevation

The extraordinary changes, transmutation educed by Gayatri Sadhana are first experienced in the inner self. These inspire the Sadhak's mind thoughts and sentiments towards the righteous path. Gradually, the evil assimilation the vices, the weakness of mind are waned out with a simultaneous increase in virtuous potentials and inner strength. This way, the Sadhak gets endowed with enlightened personality and talents that make his life more blissful, successful and peaceful and nurture righteous progress on the materialistic as well as spiritual fronts.
The excelling of mental tendencies is also accompanied by a positive orientation of attitude that inspires welcome change in every act of life. Straying of mind in agile passions of the sense organ begins to reduce with this healthy development. The greed of the tongue and associated irregular and excessive eating habits come under control. The attraction and stimulation of carnal desires diminish and the mind gradually learns the importance of chastity for protection of vital energy. The cravings and excitement the tongue and sex-organs are said to be the major impediments in the practice of self-realization and refinement. Disciplining these too becomes easier by the psychological impact of Gayatri Sadhana and the path to health and vigor gets shorter thereby. The flickering of mind reduces and thus helps organized transaction of daily chores. Cleanliness, orderliness and industriousness take place of negligence and lethargy. This accelerates the progress and enhances the likelihood of success in the work at hand.

The mental cleansing and cultivation of intellectual or creative talents naturally controls and melts the untoward instincts of impatience, fury, jealousy, anxiety and addictions. And, self-discipline, endurance, courage, modesty, contentment, benevolence, etc grow in corresponding proportions. This internal reshuffling of the mental field liberated the Sadhak from the smog of illusion, blemishes, and worries. Many problems and complexities of his life are thus resolved without any extra effort. The behavioral qualities of humility, punctuality, sincerity, integrity, generosity, service, etc bring him co-operating interactions from other also. People often like and respect such a person. The consequent expansion of benevolence (goodwill), amity, gratitude and fruitful collaboration in his life enhance the flow of content and serene love in his heart that gladdens his soul too. This way, he begins to enjoy heavenly bliss in the same 'ordinary' life Thus Gayatri Sadhana bestows divine bequests in the Sadhak's life by educing a grand transmutation and enlightenment in his inner personality.

Generally people accept the concept of immortality of the soul on the basis of inherited faith or tradition, but there lurks a doubt about its authenticity. Let us not accept this concept blindly without reasoning. It could be hearsay? If you are told to sit for meditation and are asked to conceive; "I have died", it may appear a dimple proposition; but when you actually begin to do so, it would be impossible to think that you as individuality have ceased to exist. It would not be difficult to have such a simple imagery for those who have been practicing the elaborate exercises of one think about one's death, although an image of one's dead body is formed in the mind, at the same time there is awareness. "I am standing aside looking at it". This "I" is ever vigilantly, ever present. Try as one may, one cannot conceive the death of this "I" - the seer. The analytical faculty of one's intellect (Vichar Buddhi) thus insists that the soul ("I") is immortal. In this way deep within human consciousness is entrenched an unwavering faith in the immortality of the soul. By no endeavor whatsoever can this intuitive faith are rooted out. It is based on numerous past experiences of death (of the body) in earlier births, beyond which the soul has continued to exist. When a person becomes unconscious because of shock or under the influence of drugs, this "I" remains wide awake and alert. Otherwise, on regaining normalcy, how could a concerned person know that he had been unconscious? Firm faith in one's real self as indivisible, immortal and beyond the reach of physical, sensory perceptions, is an essential pre-requisite for starting on the path of self-realization. Until the seeker develops such a faith, one cannot have unqualified, absolute belief in immortal and eternal existence of one's Real-Self and keeps on relapsing to the old accustomed narrow outlook, in which one considers the body as the self, thus rendering all efforts for Self-Realization meaningless. Hence the seekers are advised to concentrate on developing a deep conviction of immortality of the Inner S elf - the real "I". First become fully convinced of the immortality of the soul, only then take up spiritual Sadhana. Even in the course of progress of Sadhana it is advisable to periodically remind oneself about this reality of the Inner-Self. Later such perception will prove to be of great help in experiencing. Awakened Awareness of one's soul (Atma-Swoaroop Sakshatkar).

The Inner-Self is immune to physical forces
During meditation visualize that your Real Self is getting separated from the body, that it has the potentiality to overcome the constraints imposed on it by the five basic elements of which the body is constituted, namely - Aakash (either), Vayu (Air), Agni (fire), Jala (water) and Prithivi (earth) respectively.  Scriptures tell that these five are the everlasting primordial constituents of all forms. Conceptualize that your Inner-Self is no longer confined by the body.
 Henceforth, in the following discussions wherever the words "I", "MY", or "ME" are mentioned in the test, these refer to the soul speaking on behalf of the individual being.
Conceptualize: Now "I" have acquired independence. Therefore,, "I" can now fly all over the space (Aakash)  like birds., whenever "I" so will. Now the force of air can no more obstruct MY movement or speed in any way; nor can it dehydrate ME. (Sole being a supernatural entity - without water as its constituent).
Further visualize going through a huge column of fire. "I" am passing through it comfortably without feeling any heat or pain. How can the soul, which is supernatural, be burnt? The access of heat is limited to heat-sensing, the inflammable organs of the material body. Similarly, the soul (ATMA) is free from the effects of earth (Prithivi) . In other words, no element of the physical world can touch "ME", nor can it create least the obstruction in "MY" freedom.

Hurdles in Sadhana

Many persons aspire for spiritual progress but do not achieve the desired progress because of their halfhearted, lop-sided process of Sadhana. The goal of Sadhana is to violently shake man out of his body-conscious state of slumber, so that he becomes fully awakened to the reality of his true identity as an Immortal Soul. The holistic therapy for any disease involves treatment of the root cause of the malady. Mere palliatives do not serve the purpose. The same principle holds true in case of spiritual Sadhana. No doubt, the conventional rituals of Sadhana like continence, philanthropy, fasting, Jap, anusthan, yajna, etc. are beneficial as initial steps. Nevertheless, they do not constitute the totality of Sadhana. These rituals do enhance purity of mind, positive traits and nobility, but these alone do not lead to Enlightenment, which reveals the illusory and transient nature of the phenomenal world and our free identity as immortal souls - sparks of the Divine. The purpose of this passage is to help and guide a spiritual seeker to awaken to the presence of his indwelling Divinity. A person of awakened awareness of the spirit effortlessly lives a life of nobility, righteousness and loving kindness.
Once this paradigm shift of consciousness is accomplished, the confines of "I" and "MINE" expand infinitely to encompass the whole of the universe. Such a realized soul feel that he has far greater responsibilities to shoulder than mere caring for his narrow physical-self and related persons and things. As one climb higher and higher on this spiritual ascent, one's sense of belonging expands accordingly and finally, looking around as far as one can from the top of a hill, one discovers that he is none with all existence. Earlier, a person had to take care, perhaps, of his children, siblings, a few relatives, a few employees, some possessions, etc., but now these thousands upon thousands of things and people around appear needing his personal care. In other words, as one's field of vision widens on climbing a hill, so does the perspective of self on self-realization. The tiny egocentric, body-confined sense of I-ness vanishes for good.
Let us try to understand this concept through an analogy. Let us consider the air in a balloon as the limited-self. Blowing air in this balloon expands it and it occupies more and more space, till it bursts. The air in the balloon becomes part of the vast expanse of air surrounding the earth. In the same manner, progressive expansion of self identity ultimately leads to the realization that it was inseparably connected with all creation. It was the body-consciousness (the balloon), which was creating the illusion of an isolated, independent existence of one's own. In a nutshell, this is the vision of Self-realization. This is the basic tenet of the super-science of spirituality, which constitutes the core of the various religious faiths and mystic paths all over the world. In nutshell, this is the core of all disciplines of spiritual practices, irrespective of the people, places, or variety of worship.
Once having a glimpse of the true self, the seeker can never return to the confines of the old narrow perspective of self. In common human life in each moment, there is a lurking worry and fear of a possible disaster. Man is in desperate search of a perennial source of happiness, but he is seeking it outside of himself - in possessions, pelf, power and relations. When one dying of thirst in a desert finds an oasis of cool water, would one ever think of returning to the wasteland of scorching sand? ""Yadgatva Ba Buyartate Taddgan Oarnan Nan" proclaims the Divine Teacher in Bhagwadgita. It means, "Having experienced the bliss of Self-Realization who would like to come back for suffering mundane worldly woes?" Having reached the destination, the question of losing direction does not arise. Does one forget the way back to home after homecoming?
Vices like lust, anger, greed, infatuation and cravings for sensory pleasure keep man always entangled in the cobweb of misery. On account of the ever-changing nature of material world, one can never have lasting peace and happiness on this plane. Throughout life man keeps on lamenting for loss, craving for more and more of what he considers pleasant and getting frustrated on denial of his wishes. The attachment to the pleasant and repulsion the unpleasant are two root causes of retrogression, which drag the being to births in sub-human species of animal kingdom. (Laws of science of spirituality state that in course of its progressive evolution, the soul of a being inhabits bodies of successively higher more evolved species of biological kingdom and birth as a human being is the culmination of this evolution. It is further stated that indulgence in aforementioned animal traits sets the clock of progressive evolution backwards). The methods prescribed in spiritual practices in various faiths are meant to rise above the pull of these beastly tendencies. In the Bhagwadgita, human mind is personified as Arjun. In the battle of Mahabharata, which symbolizes the perpetual inner battle between the good and the evil within our own selves, he is exhorted by God-incarnate, Sri Krishna, to fight against the annihilate his own intimate relatives (evil traits) personified as the Kauravas. We will discuss latter that simple exercise for elevating the level of consciousness of man to a super-conscious state where he becomes totally free from degrading traits of worldly life. Self-Realization endows the seeker with celestial virtues of divinity. As mentioned earlier, progressive expansion of the ego-consciousness and the individual being attains at-one-ment with the omnipresent Supreme Being. Some scepters may interpret this path of soul-growth as the way of the recluse or the ascetic, who wants "Nirvana" (deliverance) or who desires to be detached from worldly life for altruistic pursuits. One may argue that this Sadhana is only for those who are interested in the benefits of life beyond death, whereas all efforts of a common man are focused on the pleasures of this world only; that most of the time of man in his daily routine is taken up by such things as business, job, education, entertainment, etc. and he has little or no inclination or time to think of and provide for life beyond death.
It is natural to have such doubts since in today's world, the confused mindset of man rreats well-being of self in this world and in the worlds beyond death as two different pursuits, whereas factually these cannot be compartmentalized. What pertains to this world is also covertly related to the other. These are inseparable like two sides of the same coin. The subject matter of this writing does not permit dealing in detail with this misconception. Suffice it to say that the cultivation of Self-Awareness is the most efficacious method of success in practical life of this world as well. All progress in this world goes hand in hand with the progressive evolution of human consciousness. One, who is endowed with the inner-strength of soul, has the capacity to succeed in all avenues of life.
The simple and natural method of communion with God is in knowing one's true immortal self, appreciating dignity of human life, finding out the specific role of human species in the creation of God, and thereafter starts functioning without any ego-centered motive as the Manager of His estate; whatever part of it has been entrusted to your care. There can be no more Soul-Satisfying art of living than this.
There should be no ambiguity in understanding this plain truth that there are two root causes of success or failure in any human endeavor: One - a correct appraisal of one's capabilities and shortcomings; and two- knowledge about availability of means and resources required to complete the assignment. In spite of being endowed with the best of intellect, one cannot arrive at the right decision in the absence of hard facts about these variables.
Spiritual masters say: Remember! The soul in you is indestructible. You are not a non-entity, but a magnificent creation of God.  Do not feel weak in any respect. Nor beg for anything. You are immensely powerful. There is no limitation to what you can do. The potentials with which you have appeared in this world can undoubtedly overcome all obstacles in your way to success. Your capabilities are more powerful than the obstructions to be overcome. Success and happiness are your birthrights. Wake up! Identify your true self; assess your means and resources and wisely go ahead towards the set goal. You will find that there is nothing that you aspire for is beyond your reach. You are the "Kalpavriksha" and "Kamdhenu" (heavenly tree and cow) of heaven, which grant all wishes. You are success personified. Come forward and take charge of what is your due.
In my view you are not merely a body, nor like any other less evolved species on earth, but are a manifestation of attributes of God. Body and mind are your tools. You are not a slave of your sensory organs. Animal-like habits cannot enslave you. The pollutants of thoughts cannot withstand your inner strength. In essence, a human being is an embodied soul, with the body as an instrument. Understand this distinction clearly and unambiguously. When man regards the "self" as his body, the soul cannot use the body effectively. The distinction enables the soul to make use of the body as an instrument of Self-Growth. This is the task before man. Any task can be successfully accomplished if there is clarity of vision and purpose. This is the Yoga of perfect skill in works (Yogaha Karmasu Kaushalam -Gita). Diligently aspire to be such a Yogi.

The purpose of this writing is to motivate you to make your due contributions to the real well-being of this world and the world beyond, leading you to the supreme goal of Self-Realization. --- May God enlighten your path

How to Dissociate From Body-Consciousness?

In order to overcome the confusion between the narrow lower self and the Real Self, in the state of meditation visualize that you and your body are two separate entities and you are using your body as your garment or a tool. Try to understand your body as you consider your garments. Visualize that your "I" would continue to exist even after the body has been discarded. Conceptually leaving the body, look at it from a higher level. Look at the body as though it were a hollow nest, in which you live and could easily come out of it. Consider yourself as the caretaker of this house, who is responsible for its sanitation (keeping it pure in thoughts and deeds), strength (keeping it strong) and functionality (physical activity). You are the master of the body and are using it as per your own free will. In this way, conceive: "I" am not this body. It is only My tool. "I" am using it only as a rest house. This body is built up with five basic elements of nature collected by "ME" (my real self) for giving it a desired appearance. (Scriptures tell that soul acquires a body and environment conforming to the traits brought forward from previous births i. e. the inherent traits from previous births are the building blocks of the mind and body of the new born.) During meditation, totally forget about your body and concentrate your thoughts and emotions on "I" as an independent conscious entity. Then you will become aware that the soul has an immortal existence independent of the body. Having had this awareness, whenever you will say "I", this expression will have an altogether a new meaning for you.
(However, it does not mean that you are required to ignore your body. Doing so will be disastrous. Considering body as the temple of soul it is your solemn duty to protect it in every way and keep it healthy and strong).

Paranormal visions and experiences
In the initial stages of Sadhana, the foregoing practice of dissociation from body-consciousness remains an entertaining and relaxing exercise, but as this imagery begins to take roods, the practitioner may feel as though he had actually died and may have such visions which one has at the time of death. There may be flashes of paranormal visions of those things, which are not physically visible at the place of meditation through normal sight. Hazy images of the extra-sensory world (sookshma Jagat) may be seen. Many other-worldly forms and heavenly scenes may appear. It may frighten the beginners, though there is nothing to be afraid of. Sometimes acceleration in the process of Sadhana, because of virtuous traits brought forward from the previous births and latent memories stored in the deeper levels of consciousness (also from previous births) become suddenly activated. This acceleration uplifts the mind to higher dimensions of awareness. With the passage of time, the Sadhak gradually becomes accustomed to paranormal experiences and such occurrences no more surprise of frighten him. With steady progress, the seeker acquires the capability to dissociate the soul from the body at will which, rising beyond the body, becomes aware of phenomena beyond physical sense perception. In this state, however, the soul of the practitioner does not actually leave the body but, like a person sticking out his neck out of a window to look outside and then withdrawing it at will, is able to transcend the limits of the body, without serving connection with it.

 The beginners are advised not to be in a hurry to have occult and paranormal visions and experiences. It would tantamount to violating the natural process of gradual spiritual advancement. In due course, worthy seekers will be initiated into the technique of accessing the domains of paranormal visions (Paroksha Darshan). Here a passing reference to such experiences is considered necessary, so that when such visions do appear the Sadhak does not get frightened or nervous.

Gayatri Upanishad

Brahman Granths are offshoots of Vedas. Each Veda had several Brahman Granths but only a few are now available. With the passage of time most of them have disappeared.
Two Brahmans of Rig-Veda viz. Shankhayan and Etreya are available. Shankhayan is also known as Koupeetki.
Similarly, there are three Brahman granths of Yajur-veda also, ie. Shatpath, Kanva and Tettareeya, eleven Brahman of Sam-Veda viz. Aarsheya, Jaiminiarsheya, Sanhitopnishad, Mantra, Vansh, Samvidhan, Shadvinsha, Devat, Tandya, Jaiminya, Jaiminiya Upanishad Brahman and only one of Atharva-veda which is known as Gopath Brahman. Parse 31 to38 of Gopath Brahman are known as Gayatri Upanishad in which the important secret of Gayatri has been explained in the episode of discussion between Maitereya and Moudgalya. According to its literal meaning Gayatri is a prayer for illumination and uplifting of the intellect. But, in this Upanishad several secrets relating to Brahma-vidya (divine knowledge) and Padarth vidya (material knowledge) have been revealed.
Gayatri Upanishad starts with a narration in which Maitreya, who was a great scholar and delivered discourses on the three Vedas, had ridiculed Moudgalya by saying that he did not teach anything substantial to his disciples he enquired from Maitreya what he knew about the secret of gayatri. Maitreya could not give and reply.
Maitreya had very well understood the intention of Moudglya. When he pondered over the matter deeply he realized that he had not understood that secret of Gayatri by which the Mantra has assumed it's pre-eminence. Unless the fundamental basis was known it was no use knowing exterior symbols. He realized that it was no use delivering discourses on Vedas so long as their origin was not known. He, therefore, resolved that he would first understand the secret behind Gayatri and only then do any other work. He sent away his students and approached Moudgalya with humility and devotion befitting a true seeker and student who approached a master for initiation into sacred knowledge. Contrary to this, in modern times the students are most impertinent and disrespectful and all their education goes waste for want of proper discipline and blessings of the teachers.
Maitreya asked Moudgalya the secret underlying the first part of Gayatri and asked three questions. His first question was, What is Varenya of Savita, which means how that luminous God can be obtained. Secondly, what is the Bharga of that Dev. Thirdly, what is that medium by which God gives inspiration to all or by which the grace of God is attained?
Moudgalya replied (1) Veda and Chand are Varenyam of Savita. (2) Anna (food-grain) is known as Bharga of Dev, and (3) Karma (action) is that dhee element by which God gives inspiration to all, develops all. Let us now ponder over these three questions and their answers, one by one.
1.   Veda meand knowledge and Chand implies experience. In fact, God is realized by the knowledge of self. But the knowledge implied here is not mere surface knowledge. A man may read countless books like a donkey loaded with a heavy weight, he may deliver discourses like a parrot but all this does not add up to true knowledge. Our knowledge of truth should be based on self-experience. A man should have intrinsic faith in truth when once it has been established on the basis of reasoning, logic, proof and example. This faith should be reflected in our day to day conduct. It should first be determined with open-mindedness, truthfulness and impartiality which principles are appropriate, propitious and beneficial for the overall wellbeing. Once it is agreed that virtues like truth benevolence self-restraint, honesty etc. are the highest from every point of view, they should be put into practice. When true knowledge ripens and gets deeply rooted in devotion it leads to self-realization. Knowledge without experience is effete. Experience does not stand on sound footing without knowing the principles. When man's true knowledge culminates into faith, when he gets rid of vanity, deception, malice, hypocrisy, cunningness and conceit and when single-pointed faith and devotion reign supreme in one's psyche, God can be instantly realized. Thus, Savita has been described as combination, coordination, of Veda (knowledge) and Chand (experience). In short God can be realized through knowledge and experience combined together.
2.   Replying to the second question Moudgalya said that Bharga of Dev is Anna. Material resources are the strength of a superior person. Superiority or excellence can be strengthened only when anna (food) or material resources are available. Material resources and wealth constitute a power which, if it goes in the hands of the Asuras (demons) increase devilish tendencies and if it goes in the hands of Devata (godly person) promotes godliness. If power to govern a country lies in the hands of cruel and wicked persons they would spread viciousness. The extent to which Nepal has been ruined due to foreign rule in the past centuries is well-known. If this political power is handled by good, righteous people, the country can make exemplary progress, as has been done in countries like Russia, America etc. In his book on Geeta, Yogi Aurobindo has written that "peace and happiness will prevail in the world if Lakshyami (material prosperity) is possessed by virtuous persons. The world is bound to suffer calamity if Lakshyami goes in the hands of demons. "God-like persons need material resources, wealth, not for sensual enjoyment, greed, hoarding, vanity or doing injustice to other, but for defending and promoting godliness, so that the people may be able to make themselves strong, active and resourceful. Anna (food) or material resources have been regarded as the symbol of Lakshyami. Thus, Moudgalya replied that Bharga of Dev is Anna, the worldly s trength of good persons lies in material resources. Without material resources they will remain weak in the physical field.
3.   The third reply of Moudgalya is that action (Karma) alone is dhee element by which God inspires and uplifts all. This is absolutely true that everyone is uplifted and evolved through God's grace. God inspires everybody towards higher levels of evolution, towards progress. It should, however, be understood that inspiration is 'dhee'. Dhee means that intellect which gives inspiration and incentive to do God like deeds. A person who is favored by the grace of God is endowed with wisdom accordingly. Whether a person enjoys blessings of 'dhee' or not can be judged by examining whether he is industrious and diligent and does his work enthusiastically. A person endowed with such a nature should be considered to have been blessed with dhee element by God.
Several persons are habitually indolent, dull and apathetic. They do work half-heartedly without any enthusiasm. A little exertion makes them tired. Such person's would be considered to be devoid of dhee element. Obviously, they are doomed to remain unlucky in the absence of enlightened intellect which inspires men to utilize their energies in worthwhile pursuits.
There can be no two opinions that Moudgalya's aforesaid teaching is true. Those who blame one's luck and think that what is destined cannot be averted may feel satisfied by accusing others for their misfortunes but the fact is that they have been deprived of God's grace through his own indolence. This grace of God is available to all and is within everybody's reach. By adopting dhee, which also means purposeful industriousness, everybody can become entitled to get divine grace and achieve progress. God never deprives anyone of His grace. It is man himself who foolishly turns his face against it.
The last question which Maitreya asked was, what is Savita, what is Savitri? Savita has been regarded as devta (God) of Gayatri. Every Mantra has its own devta which denoted as to what is the subject of that Mantra. As Savita is devta of Gayatri it is apparent that the prime devta of this Mantra. It is for this reason that Gayatri is also known as Savitri.
Moudgalya replied that Savita and Savitri are inseparable. They are, in fact, one. They combine and form a pair. One is the Transcendent Source and the other its Creative Energy. Both complement each other.
The importance of Shakti Marg lies in the tapping of this power. Every atom is instinct with infinite power. The explosion of one atom may result in the destruction of the whole cosmos. But this happens when that supreme energy is properly released. The transcendental, luminous Almighty God is known as Savita and its Shakti (power) is known as Savitri.  Savitri is not different from Savita but complements it. They constitute one integrated pair. God is incomprehensible, unknowable, formless and transcendent. It is only through its creative energy; Savitri that inkling can be had of this absolute Divine.
This is a matter which can be understood only by deep and serious reflection. It is for this reason that the authors of Upanishad have tried to fathom this mystery by giving various examples, to make it easily intelligible to the people.
They say that mind is Savita, speech is Savitri. Where there is mind, there is speech and where there is speech there is mind. In the same way fire and earth, air and space, sun and moon and stars, electricity and lightening, Pran (vital energy) and Anna (food), Veda and Chand, Yagya and dakshina, day and night, hot and cold, fire and water (varoon) have been stated to be Savita and Savitri constituting one pair each. These are only a few examples. By giving these examples, the authors of Upanishad have sought to suggest that supreme Divinity cannot manifest by itself alone, so long as it remains in its Absolute Existence. It manifests only when there is a stirring of its Shakti (manifesting energy). Thus, absolute Savita manifests to man only through invocation of Savitri.
Lakshyami-Narayan, Sita-Rama, Radha-Krishna, Uma-Shankar, Savita-Savitri, nature and God, all these pairs indicate that each one of them complements the other and is the cause for the manifestation of the other. Jeev (soul) also, which is imperceptible, manifests itself on account of Maya (power of God). Human development also cannot be one-sided. Integrated human development and evolution is possible by awakening the dormant Divine Energy within.
Energy and the source of Energy both are inter-related. Just as Savita can be experienced only through the grace of Savitri, we should also awaken in ourselves, through collective Sadhana, all these marvelous energies of the Divine Mother. Our Sadhana has to be a collective effort of kindred souls.

Maitreya told Moudgalya that he had become his disciple; he had acquired real knowledge and secret of inter-relation between power and its source. He further told that whosoever will come to know about the secret of this knowledge will not be subject to mortality. Such a person will regard power as an inseparable part of his soul, he will never misuse it. He must utilize it for the greatest goal. 

Gayatri - The Deity of Bright Prosperity

Apart from harvesting virtuous potentials, inner peace and content and thus enlightening the personal life, Gayatri Sadhana enables prosperous growth of the devotee's social life too. The refinement of body and mind (educed by Gayatri) also adorns the external fronts of life with several boons. Because of his increased awareness and wisdom and prudent self-confidence, the Sadhak finds the same circumstances, the same obstacles as supporting and easily resolvable, which were adverse and challenging earlier.
Changing the circumstances of life at will may not be feasible for every one every time. However, changing one's approach and attitude to face the circumstances positively - is a natural sign of farsighted wisdom, Clash of one's imaginations, expectations and the facts of life is the major cause of distress and struggle in varied forms. Wise men always accept the reality with grace and avoid unnecessary troubles, tussles and tensions as far as possible. This prudence is aroused in the Sadhak of Gayatri and makes the movement of his life straight and smooth.
Happiness and delight are not generated by external means or materialistic possessions. These are indeed the relative reflections of one's own mental status and attitude. The mind, which was not satisfied even by royal accessories, luxuries and power and was thirsty for more and more, the same mind may sometime be inspired by a saintly preaching or inner voice to renounce every thing and begin to feel terrific bless and comfort in sleeping on the earth in a forest, eating raw fruits and roots. This drastic change is simply a consequent of different emotional conditioning and attitude that hold the key to all sorrow and joys.
The Triveni of Gayatri also purifies the trigunas - the three eternal tendencies immanent in Nature. It exalts the Satoguna and thereby induces spiritual illumination. It excels the force of Rajoguna, which awakens the hidden potentials and brightens prosperous progress of life in the physical domains too. Elevated optimism, zeal, sagacity, presence of mind, efficient decision making, beatified voice, graceful personality and many other familiar and rare faculties are evidential manifestation of this effect. The refined Tamoguna educes valor, fearlessness, endurance, chastity and courage to fight against injustice and exploitation, etc and enables the Sadhak march on the altruist path of social welfare.
With gradual progress of his dedicated Sadhana, the devotee of Gayatri subliminally undergoes a marvelous transmutation that consistently fosters the glory and growth of his prosperous and illumined life. Gayatri does not encoder golden coins or nectar; neither does it bestow boons in a magical way. But, it certainly arouses and inspires such physical, mental and spiritual potentials and talents so that under no circumstances a devotee of Gayatri faces any scarcity, fear or suffering. It is indeed a unique source of righteous progress and everlasting glory and prosperity.

Gayatri is Omnipotent Savior
Destiny does bring testing moments in one form or the other sometimes in everybody's life. The stormy winds of the Prarabdha of the sinful Karmas often appear to blow the eddy currents of crisis and ill omen. The attacks of diseases, disputes, monetary losses, threats, tragedies etc seem to compete with each other in augmenting the severity of the bad times. It is said that hardship does not come alone. It brings its children and friends along. Entrapped in the web of misfortunes from all directions, most of us would feel helpless, frightened, depressed and almost dead. Fear, anxiety and agony often suppress our courage and further multiply the strokes of the crisis.
The case of a true devotee of Gayatri is quite different. Destiny appears to favor him in all circumstances. Testing times seem to further sharpen his endurance, forbearance, courage, wisdom and faith in God. He is protected by these virtues that are firmly sown in him by the grace of Gayatri. The inspirations and inner strength blessed by the divine mother Gayatri are like savior boats that enable the Sadhak cross the cyclonic currents of adversities and crisis of all kinds.

Gayatri Sadhana bestows sublime protection, which often appears astonishing. Many a times the devotee is miraculously saved and emancipated from dreaded dangers and crisis. The divine powers aroused in his inner self by Gayatri Sadhana provide angelic support to the devotee. It is experienced that those who control and purify their mind and intellect by Sadhana, who eliminate their jealousy, ego, fury and all beastly tendencies, and cultivate altruist and generous sentiments are always blessed and guarded by thy savior Gayatri Shakti.

Gayatri Prayer

ü  Oh, mother, Gayatri! You are manifested in the  Eternal sound of Om. You are Tripada (hymn comprising of three steps: Tatsaviturvenyam, bhargo devasya dhimahi, dhiyo yonah prachodyat;  vedtriyi (source of three Vedas); revered by three gods - Brahma, Vishni, Mahesh; Creator anf protector of the three worlds (the heavens, earth and nether regions); knower of all the three times (past, present and future); and the ordainer of all the opportunities
ü  You possess all the three gunas (rraits): Satwa, Rajas, and Tamas. You are bestower of the three types of boons: Natural (materialistic), supernatural and spiritual. It is only you who provides salvation. You always see your devotees with compassionate eyes.
ü  You are Goddess of knowledge. You are an embodiment of compassion. In spite of being omnipresent you are holding the entire world in your heart. You are the invincible ultimate authority and more difficult to realize as compared to the realizable Supreme Spirit. You are the pupil of the eye of Lord Shankar, who is the Savior of this world
ü  You are the soul of this world and also a giver of supreme bliss. You are the shelter of the entire world and the ultimate being for its (world's) birth and growth. You are the controller of all the superhuman qualities and powers and also the giver of the same. I humbly salute you.
ü  You are the creator of all the materialistic resources and pleasures. You cannot be described by the grammatical components of Sanskrit. You cannot also be known by (studying) Vedas and Purans or their derivatives. You can only be realized by righteous wisdom attained through dhyan-dharma (meditation), etc,
ü  In spite of being Eternal and knowable by all, you are unattainable (unknowable). You transcend the three Lords Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. You are omnipotent and the energy of the entire world. It is not possible to perceive you by physical senses.
ü  An unfortunate person abandoned by you is deprived of power and prosperity. Even if such a person (in materialistic sense) is higher than Himalayas, he is not respected even by the common people.
ü  Oh, Mother Gayatri! Your divine radiance is present everywhere; in Lords Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Sun and Moon, movable - unmovable, visible-invisible, subtler than subtle and greater than great.
ü  Oh mother! I pray that my intellect should hold your lotus feet in my mind (that is , my mind should always remain engrossed in your divine effulgence). Oh Goddess! I am not desirous of any boon other than this.

ü  Naturally, you are always kind to the needy and humble persons. Therefore, I have come to seek your shelter. Kindly accept my offering of love and affection.

Inexhaustible Source of Spiritual Energy

The scriptures prescribed that Gayatri should be worshipped thrice daily during "Trikal Sandhaya" in the morning at noon and in the evening. It is all the more beneficial in Jap, worship, meditation and contemplation of Gayatri is done even more intensively. But for specific purposes, when more energy is required to be generated, specific performance which is known as Anusthan is done. When long journey is proposed to be undertaken, special food and adequate money are kept for being used in transit. Anusthan similarly is like journey expenses. When this energy capital is accumulated, Sadhak's journey through life, whether in mundane or spiritual pursuit, becomes easier and smoother.
When a tiger pounces upon a deer or a cat attacks a mouse or a heron attacks a fish, they pause for a moment, stop breathing move back a little, and sharpen all their inner faculties and then charge suddenly on they prey. An athlete in high or long jump, stops for a moment, moves back a little and then leaps up or forward. A wrestler also takes a counter-move and suddenly changes his strategy. A marksman has also to do the same thing before shooting. In Anusthan, same thing has to be done on spiritual level. If any calamity has to be averted or some success achieved it is done by performance of Anusthan.
The baby cries 'ma-ma' and loving conversation between him and his mother goes on throughout the day, but when due to some emergency the child cries loudly and bitterly his mother abandons all work rushes and attends to the child. Anusthan is such an emergency call of Sadhak which has specific force and magnetism in it. The Sadhak, thereby, attracts within him, the extraordinary energy of Gayatri. When human Endeavour fails, there is no way out to avert a crisis. Darkness prevails all-around, the future appears grimly dark, and circumstances become menacingly adverse. In such a plight, it is but natural to become nervous. The intellect of such a worried and dejected person does not work properly. A pigeon caught in a net is entrapped more and more when it flutters to get out of it. On such occasion, the name of God is the only strength. Draupadi, Narsi, Prahlad etc. had to call upon Divine help in a state of utter helplessness. When human efforts fail, the entire situation is changed by divine intervention. The intense dark night of calamity suddenly disappears with out-break of Light and a person is able to see the right path. Anusthan erupts in the heart in the form of light which enlightens the path.
 Extraordinary relief is obtained by Gayatri Anusthan in worldly difficulties, mental disturbance and internal restlessness. No doubt, Gayatri does not literally give the Sadhak a golden treasure. But it is also true that by its influence fundamental positive changes take place in human attitude and mentality which make it possible to find appropriate solutions to difficulties. An appropriate intelligence, wisdom and far-sightedness are intuitively revealed to the Sadhak to enable him to surmount the special difficulties and challenges faced by him. Some irrelevant way ward thoughts, desires and craving overpower a person having a confused mind on account of which he remains unhappy for no reason. Gayatri Sadhana cleanses the mind in such a way that things which formerly appeared to be crucially important appear to be insubstantial and trivial. Such internal changes take place by Anusthan on account of which an unhappy, worried and harassed person suddenly finds himself uplifted into a state of peace, harmony and joy.
Jap of 1, 25,000 Mantras is known as Anusthan. There a re certain conditions for a thing to attain maturity. Pulse, vegetables, bricks, glass etc. required to be heated up to a particular temperature. Fruits take their own time to ripen. Eggs need specific time for hatching. A baby takes its due time in mother's womb before birth. Premature action in all such matters results in complications and failure. In Anusthan, performance of Jap of 1,25,000 Mantras in the prescribed period culminates in desired fulfillment.

The Energy of Brain

The Energy of Brain In The Hollow Of The Body
Words would always be less in expressing the importance of health in human life. 'Healthy mind lies in a healthy body' - is an enthusing statement reflecting the importance of health of physical body. However, this does not represent the ultimate truth. Mind cannot manifest its faculties so easily without the tool of the body. But, it can very well maintain its unique potentials even in a weak, injured or handicapped body. That the mental powers could be awaken and made more sharp and creative even in an unhealthy body - has been demonstrated by plenty of live examples in human history.
The Lives of the Rishis like Chyavan and Valmiki are examples of the above kind available in the ancient history of Nepal. The bodies of these Rishis had become almost like skeletons because of practicing strict penance. Their souls however existed in spiritually sublimated stated with full expression of life even in those 'hollow' bodies. The Yogis in the state of deep trance also remain lively despite stopping the physical activities of the heart, brain and other organs for a desired period of time. After completion of the trance they bring back the body to a normal state.
The above examples pertain to spiritual experiments only. However, similar amazing phenomena are seen in the ordinary worldly lives too. Mr. Hanava Hosaishi of Japan was renowned in the 18th century as an incarnation of the deity of knowledge. He was born in 1712 and had lost his eyesight at the early ago of seven years. Despite being blind, he continued to acquire knowledge by listening. This way he had read over 40 thousands books in his 101 years long life. So amazing was the grasping power of his brain that many of the books were thoroughly stored in his memory by way of listening to their texts just once. The depth and grandeur of his knowledge was a matter of surprise for the scholars of that time. Many a times, he used to quote such references of knowledge that were beyond the level of imagination of the savants who were discussing with him. On the request of his friends, he had also written a treatise which was compiled in 2820 volumes and which still exists as a monument of the unlimited potentials of the human intellect.
Dr. Stephen Hawking's life is a shining example of this kind in the present times. This great mathematician physicist cum astrophysicist, despite being totally handicapped physically, has made remarkable contributions in unraveling the secrets of the cosmos. This distinguished professor at the Cambridge University, UK has derived certain scientific principles, which have given rise to striking changes and rethinking on the exiting theories of the origin and expansion of the universe and the existence of black holes.
The eminent scientist, now in his fifties, was diagnosed as suffering from ALS - a motor neuron disease about three decades ago, when he was a doctoral student. However, charmed by his intellect and moved by the aim of supporting him with love and care, a young British girl married him at that time. the couple was also blessed of three children. Dr Hawking's body had gradually paralyzed due to the deadly disease in the later years. His health continued to worsen gradually and he eventually lost his voice. His hands also paralyzed like his legs and further disabled his body. In spite of this tragedy, his mind remains engaged in rigorous research. Advanced technological instruments - including auto controlled wheel chair, computer aided voice synthesizer and brain signal decoder, had made it possible for other to comprehend his 'lectures' and discuss and collaborate with him.

Dr. Hawking's book "A Brief History of Time" has been a best seller and is recognized as the most lucid writing on the most difficult scientific topic… He is regarded as second Einstein of this century. The contributions of the supernatural mental functioning of his physically diseased brain in a disabled body make us rethink on the universality of the statement of healthy mind in a healthy body. His life is the most convincing evidence of the fact that the potentials of human-brain blossom beyond the barriers of physical fitness. they can be elevated and used in full capacity by a human being so long as his soul exists in the body, howsoever weak or hollow the latter may be.

Conscious Mind.

The First Layer of the Mind: Conscious Mind.
A sage was once asked to show the miracles of the mind. He pointed to a shopkeeper in the market selling honey, who dipped his fingers in the honey pot and then wiped them on the wall of his shop. Suddenly dozens of flies swarmed about the honey, and then a lizard appeared and started to eat the flies, one by one. Just then a cat crept over to the wall and pounced on the lizard and ate it. At that moment, a dog saw the cat and chased it around the shop and, in a furious fight, killed it. Now, that was the shopkeeper's pet cat and he angrily told his servant to kill the dog. Unfortunately, that was the dog of his customer, who was enraged when he saw the shopkeeper's servant trying to kill his dog, and he started attacking the shopkeeper with violent blows.
The sage asked, "Now are you satisfied? This is the miracle of the mind - it created desires of every kind, and you see where they lead? And it does this in every moment in every part of the world."
This is indeed the characteristic of the conscious mind - desire. It has three functions; (a) Sensing, (b) Desire or aversion and (c) Acting … Sensing the stimuli of the external world through the five sense organs; (eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin), having desire or aversion to that stimuli and acting to materialize vocal cord, sexual and excretory organs).
For example, a child sees (with eye organ) an ice cream vendor on a hot day, and hears (with her ear organ) the vendor's enticing bell. A strong yearning to taste that cool sweetness on her tongue fills the child's mind (desire). She runs to her father (on her feet organs), whines to him (with her vocal cord organ) to give her some coins, runs back to the vendor, gives him the money (with her hand organ), and grabs the cone and eats it.
Another example: you are sitting under a tree beside a stream. Suddenly you feel (with your skin organ) a furry object drop onto the back of your neck. A wave of fear and revulsion fills your mind (aversion) as you remember that this area is known for its poisonous spiders. You jump up and hop about (using your feet organs), frantically brushing the object from your neck (using your hand organ) and crying out incoherently (using your vocal cord organ).
Just consider for a moment your actions during the past hour, during the past day, the past year - your whole life. How many of them were precisely in this pattern: sensations of stimuli of th e external world, desire or aversion in response to those stimuli, and actions to materialize that desire or aversion? Are not most of the actions of your lives indeed propelled by the desires of the conscious mind? So the sages say that the ten organs, sensory, and motor, are like ten wild horses, harnessed to the chariot of the mind. Dragged about by these uncontrolled steeds in a thousand different directions in search of pleasure; the chariot careers from place to place, lurching and rolling, never coming to rest.
We finish work or school, go to a restaurant for tasty food, and then go shopping to buy a new object to please the eye, later line up for a movie to delight the eye and ear. The organs capacity for enjoyment is limited, and their objects of enjoyment are also limited; so they have to run, after a while, from one object to another; "My stomach is full! - Let's go shopping - I am tired of shopping - let us go to a movie."
Thus on this conscious level of instinctual desire and aversion, human beings are most similar to animals, propelled by the four basic instincts which motivate all  lower creatures: hunger, sleep, fear and sex - the instincts of self-preservation and reproduction.
Many religious traditions throughout the ages have taught that to be "holy" we should not express these physical instincts but despise and repress them. But these instincts are natural and rather than being denied, they should be controlled and channeled.

Human existence is much more than the instinctive drives of the conscious mind, activating the physical body to enjoy the external world through the senses. The materialistic ideologies in the world today, which are based on physical satisfaction and enjoyment, concentrate primarily on the economic aspects of life. Such ideologies gradually crucify human beings, since they confine human existence merely to the conscious mind, the lowest and crudest level of being, and disregard mental elevation to subtler, more expansive levels. The world needs a socio-economic theory which recognizes the subtler levels of human existence as well, and seeks to nurture them as well as the gross physical body.

"Subtle Causal Mind"

The Highest Level of the Super-conscious Mind: The "Subtle Causal Mind"
When this love, this divine attraction for the infinite splendor becomes so intense that it overflows from the heart and fills one's entire existence - when all the currents of the mind surge into a single stream of intense yearning - then a radiant flood of light blazes through one's being. This is the highest level of the super-conscious, the "golden realm" of the mind.
Sometimes, the body even reflects the effulgence of the mind. In this state, the complexion of the Saint Ramakrishna becomes so luminous - like a "golden amulet" - that it drew attention everywhere. He wrapped a sheet around his body and prayed to God, "Take back this outward beauty and give me inner beauty, give me purity of spirit!"Repeatedly stroking his body, he cried, "Dive inward! Dive inward! Until his exterior again became dull. This is the path of the saints - ever inward.
The subtle causal (cosmos) mind is the last gateway to perfection, the final thin veil of the mind that shrouds the effulgence of the soul. When the brilliant golden glow of this layer of mind is experienced, one feels very near to the infinite self within, and the desire for supreme union becomes almost unbearable. One saint described that burning attraction. "You cannot imagine my agony at separation from the Supreme. Suppose there is a bag of gold in a room and a thief in the next, with only a thin partition in between. Can he sleep peacefully? Will he not run about and try to force the wall to get at the gold?"
Once a disciple asked his master, "When will I attain self-realization?" His master told him, "Later I will show you." That afternoon when they went to the river to bathe, the master grabbed his disciple, plunged his head beneath the water, and held him there. The disciple soon became desperate; his mind was riveted on his one desire - for air. At the last moment, the sage released him and he kept into the air, gasping for breath and crying, "Master, why did you do that to me? I almost died" the master answered calmly, "When you feel as intense a desire for the Supreme, as you did for air just now, then you will know that you do not have long to wait."

Thus, mystics from age to age have expressed their yearning in the language of lovers, for no other language can express the ecstatic agony, the sweet intimacy, the flame of desire burning so intensely inside them. The pangs of separation torment their hearts, and they feel around their necks and noose of Love Miira, 

Supra-Mental Mind

The first Layer of the Super-conscious Mind - Supra-mental Mind
The Layer of Intuition
"There is something mysterious, without happening, without end,
That existed before the heavens and the earth,
Unmoving, infinite, standing alone, never changing,
It is everywhere and it is inexhaustible.
It is the mother of all.
Looked for it cannot be seen - listened for it cannot be heard- reached for it cannot be touched.
It is the form of the formless
It is existence in non-existence
It is the greatest mystery."
From ancient wisdom to modern physics, our sages speak of a Cosmic Mind - the infinite storehouse of all knowledge, where past, present and future merge into one super-stratum of reality beyond space and time. Those who can transcend the lower conscious and subconscious levels of their minds, immediately realize this super conscious Cosmic Mind - for the individual super-conscious and the Cosmic Super-conscious Mind are the same. Then they, too, become all-knowing, and can "see" into past, present and future, and into the mysteries of life.
The super-natural mind is the first layer of this super-conscious mind, the realm of intuition and creative insight, beyond the logic and rationality of the sub-conscious mind.
Only a few adventures have penetrated into this subtle psychic realm, and have been tantalized by even a brief glimpse of its glory - inspired artists and scientists, exalted saints and mystics.
Many poets and artists have been lifted out of the habitual anxieties and restlessness of their lower minds and elevated to this super-conscious state by the awesome beauty of nature. Perhaps you, too, have experienced the blissful feeling of being "beyond yourself" in the peace of nature as the borders of the lower ego dissolve and the mind merges into a higher, transcendent state.

Creative Insight

The creative act has been experienced throughout the ages as a sudden, effortless "flash of insight" from a higher dimension beyond logic or rational analysis - from this super-conscious layer of mind. The German Opera composer Richard Wagner "heard" his music spontaneously. Charles Darwin, after years of gathering scientific data, suddenly "realized" his theory of evolution while taking a carriage ride. Michelangelo could only create in what he called a "seizure of the soul" when the "spirit of God" would elevate him to an ecstatic state. And Albert Einstein revealed that he did not discover his theory of relativity by conscious logic and reasoning but by 'the way of intuition'

Subtle Aspects of Yagya

The extremely subtle effects are by far the more important. Like humans, matter too, has three bodies -- physical, subtle and causal. The body which eats, sleeps, walks, acts; which consists blood, flesh etc. is visible man's physical body. Subtle body is that which thinks, considers and controls the physical body. Causal or astral body is that in which faith, convictions, aspirations etc. are deeply rooted. The subtle body is much more powerful as compared to the physical body. The casual body is several times more powerful than the subtle body.
The casual energy underlying all the Havishya used in Yagya is stimulated by the rituals prescribed for the Yagya performance. Only then alone it is possible to affect desired changes in the mind and consciousness of the participants. It this is not done, the effect of Yagya will be limited to the physical - chemical effects fo vaporization of specific substances. No doubt, several benefits can be derived by these effects too; the fumes of Yagya remove foul smell and spread soothing fragrance. It can also help in controlling virus infections and thereby promoting physical health. This is, however, an insignificant achievement, as compared to the vast potential of Yagya.
Importance of Yagya lies in the subtle power of the substances which are offered in the sacrificial fire. The selection of a particular wood or Havan Samagri depends on the purpose for which Yagya is performed.
In order to stimulate the causal energy of the offering, help of the science of Mantras is taken. The conductor of Yagya takes all precautions to ensure that the Mantras are uttered, pronounced and appropriated correctly in the pitch voice, rhythm and tone duly prescribed. Strict discipline is required to be maintained, and there should be no deviation. Shabda (the eternal and cosmic sound) is termed as Brahm. Ordinarily, it is used for exchanging of thoughts but at subtler and higher levels in Mantra, Shabda plays the role of getting transformed into potential energy.
The entire basis of the Mantra Shastra stands on the footing that the selection, interlocking and appropriation of words in a Mantra exist in such a way that it becomes possible to get miraculous advantage by making the causal energy of Shabda specifically enhanced and made more powerful.
All the pots and even water used in the Yagya are purified by specific Mantras before use. The fire-wood (Samidhas) are washed, dried and use dafter they are duly sanctified by Mantras. The process of Vedi Pujan and Yagyashala Pujan are resorted to make the Havan Kunda live….. with awaken causal energy. This as a whole is the scientific process of mass medication which strengthens the spiritual basis of the Yagya process.

It is generally experienced that Yagya (Agnihotra) --- atmosphere is very compatible and alluring for attaining spiritual uplift. Dr. Motohama of Tokyo, Japan has studied the effects of Agnihotra, with his instrument for measuring electric fields surrounding the body. He has reported that after performing an Agnihotra, the Anahata Chakra (cardiac plexus) exhibits similar condition that exists after psychic and spiritual healings.

The Four Stages of Meditation

Thus throughout the centuries masters have taught that there are four stages of spiritual progress. The first is the stage of difficulty, when one has to exert much effort to calm and control the agitated, scattered waves of the mind. Many people at this stage become restless and impatient, and abandon their spiritual practice.
The second is the stage of attainment when the mind achieves complete concentration and experiences a higher state of consciousness. Those who taste that supreme bliss, even for a moment, realize that it is the highest experience of human life, and dedicate all their energies to remain merged in the state forever.
In the third stage, by regular and intense concentration, the mind becomes coherent and psychic powers develop. This is the most dangerous stage, when even great yogis have fallen from the path. If one's psychic energies are prematurely released into the external world, one will never achieve perfection. It is rather like trying to pump water to the top floor of a building through a pipe with many holes in it - the water will never reach the top.
The saint Ramakrishna once told his beloved disciple Vivekananda, "Through severe spiritual discipline, I have acquired certain powers. I am giving them to you - you may use them when necessary. What do you say to that?" Vivekananda reflected a moment and asked, "Sir, will these powers help me towards self-realization?" "No", answered his master. Vivekananda said, "Then I don't want them. Let me first realize God and afterwards I shall decide whether I want them or not. If I accept these wonderful powers now, I may forget my ideal. And if I use them for any selfish purpose, it may lead to my ruin. So please, master, you keep them!
Those who do not let their minds be diverted by psychic powers and channel all their energies in yearning for the Supreme are like a child who caries repeatedly for her mother. To distract her, the mother gives the child a toy. But when the child is not satisfied with the toy and flings it aside, shouting "I don't want the toy, I want you!" then the mother has to come and take the child on her lap. Spiritual aspirants should be like such a child. They should cry to the Supreme, "I don't want your occult powers, I want you!" Then they are sure to attain their goal.
And when they reach the fourth stage, and that indescribable bliss surges through every fibre of their being, they will know that, in comparison to the ecstasy of divine union psychic powers are very cheap.

Two brothers started practicing yoga together, but while one was a sincere seeker of truth, the other was enamored of occult powers. After many years of separation, they met beside a river. One brother used his occult powers to walk across the water, while the other paid one rupee to the boatman to ferry him across. When they reached the opposite bank, the first brother proudly asked what has brother thought of his feat. He answered, "I see that after all these years of effort, and your spiritual achievement is worth only one rupee".

The Genesis of Divine Culture

Once Mahatma Gandhi was invited to address the academia at the Jamia Millia University. He spoke for about half an hour but mostly on the Gayatri Mantra. This was annoying to the Islamic members of the management, as they considered it as a mantra of the Hindus. They expressed their resentment after the function was over. Gandhiji cleared their doubt saying that this is not a mantra of a Hindu priest; neither does it belong to any particular cult or religion. It is universal; it is the mantra of all human beings. It is a mantra of pure intellect, foresightedness, a source of divine illumination of the inner self. It is a mantra of awakening humanity in people's heart.
I fully agree with what Mahatma Gandhi said about the Gayatri Mantra. I feel that I have found our lost golden heritage in this mantra, found the invaluable gem that was lost in the vicissitudes of time. Some old snakes are known to have a special kind of gem (mani) in the crest of their hoods. They are said to possess powers, which vanish if this gem is lost. Some elephants are said to have pearls (gajamukta) in their heads. If this pearl is lost, the elephant goes mad. I do not know how far this information is correct. But I can talk about the Nepalese Culture, which was endowed with supreme powers of the "Kamadhenu". We have neglected and forgotten it, deformed it, and thus doomed our prestige and thrown away the crown of being the preeminent guide to the world and have also soiled our prestige. It is high time we awaken and do something to retrieve our lost treasure of divine culture and wisdom. I have tried my level best to revive our ancient, glorious culture that was enlightened by the Gayatri mantra.
Gayatri Mantra is a philosophy. It is the science of spiritual evolution. It is the source of elevated thinking. It is the seed mantra of social uplifting, global peace. It is worshipped as "vishwamata" (mother of the world). If we adopt it (its philosophy) in our thoughts and deeds, the world would once again prosper and shine with the glory of Vedic times. Gayatri is the mantra of divine knowledge. Its sadhana can purify and transform an ordinary character into a revered one. It is 'worshipped' as "Devamata (mother of Gods). I keep explaining to you’re the philosophy of Gayatri. You will live a fulfilling life, a memorable one if you could grasp and follow it through heart.

Now let me tell you something about the science of Gayatri. Are you aware that you are full of enormous powers, extrasensory capabilities? But these remain unexpressed and dormant. The vibrations generated by devout Sadhana of Gayatri Mantre, stir and gradually activate the nuclei of power hidden in your subtle and physical body. Awakening these endows you with supernatural powers. Gayatri Mantra also enlightens your intellect and inspires divine virtues in your inner self. Thus it can transmute an ordinary individual self into a divine self. This is how a divine incarnation, angelic being is 'born' in human form. Lord Ram and Lord Krishna were born in human forms. Like other humans they also left the physical sheath one day. But they were divine incarnations. They were Gods in human form; their divine powers and virtues were expressed as per the need of the era and purpose of their arrival on the earth. We are not angelic beings but that possibility is certainly sown in our deeper self.

The Laser of the Mind

A laser is a special kind of light. Unlike an ordinary light ray, which is made up of waves of many different frequencies, laser light is "coherent" - it has been concentrated to only one frequency, and this gives it tremendous power; a laser light bulb of only 10 watts would have a far greater intensity than the surface of the sun. A narrow laser beam of such intense energy can melt diamonds or - like the "ray guns" of science fiction -incinerate a person to ashes within a second.  Already the super- powers are preparing for laser wars in space.
During deep meditation, the yogis' mind becomes like a laser beam: all the mental and physical energies are made "coherent" by the intense concentration on the mantra, and he or she develops immense psychic power.
Normally, the different parts of our brain are engaged in monitoring different activities of the body and mind at the same time - movement, digestion, speech etc, - and so they simultaneously emit different brain waves.
But during one-pointed concentration on the mantra, all the different parts of the brain vibrate in the same frequency, and it is the same rhythm as the heartbeat and respiration! When one attains perfection in meditation, all the rhythms of the mind and body are synchronized into a single, powerful rhythm, and attuned to the Cosmic Rhythm. Like the resonance of many voices singing in unison in a choir, the previously scattered vibrations of ordinary thinking are blended into one harmoniously pulsating flow.
Such coherent personalities can move the world. They are dynamous of power, and by the tremendous force of their will, anything they choose to do will inevitably succeed. By their personal magnetism, others are irresistibly drawn towards them; like the great saints, they are blazing torches that illumine many clouded minds and awaken many sleeping souls.
Those realized individuals, who have concentrated all their physical, psychic and spiritual energies into one coherent wave and attuned it to the infinite become free from all the bondages of matter, space and time. Those who have achieved complete mastery over the rhythms of their own life attain mastery over the rhythms of the universe as well - because they have realized that the essence of creation is consciousness. The so-called "miraculous" powers of perfect masters - which are not at all "supernatural", only rare - are the natural expressions of their exact understanding of the subtle laws of consciousness. Like the great prophets, they may sometimes perform "miracles" for, as Christ explained, "Except ye see sings and wonders ye will not be live.
Trailanga Swami, the famous Indian yogi who lived during the British period, sought to teach people that human life can transcend the bondages of flesh. Supposed to be over 300 years old, his reputation was so widespread that few would doubt the truth of any account of his astounding "miracles". On many occasions, he was seen to drink the most deadly poisons; and thousands saw him floating on top of the river Gangas for days together. Sometimes he would remain submerged for long periods under the water. A common sight on the riverbank in Benares was the swami meditating motionlessly on a blistering stone slab, completely oblivious to the scorching Indian summer sun.
Trailanga Swami always remained completely naked; but unfortunately this was against the British Law; so the British police arrested him for nudity and sent him to jail. The door of his cell was securely locked - but in the evening he was seen happily walking about the prison roof. The next day, a guard was posted in front of his cell door; but that night, he was again strolling nonchalantly on the roof! When the guard saw him, he shrank in fear, but Trailanga laughed and said, "My son, nobody can keep me behind the bar - I move according to my own will."

The achievement of these occult powers, however, is extreme rely dangerous. Many such saints, through they have inspired many people on the path of spirituality, could not themselves attain the highest state of complete liberation because they utilized their powers too often, or developed pride or vanity in their display. The release of such potent spiritual energies into the external world before one has attained spiritual perfection may deteriorate the mind and body; all the powers will be lost, and the goal of Cosmic Consciousness will never be attained.

The Layer of the Mind

According to the most ancient ideas of Yoga and the most modern theories of physics, existence is not a single reality but a continuum of several interpenetrating layers of being, ranging from the coarsest and densest - the physical - through various layers of mind, to the final one called "spirit". As one moves up the continuum, the layers become finer and subtler. Yogis have divided the levels of mind - in between body and spirit - into five layers of Kosas. In each succeeding layer, there is a more joyful and expanded awareness; the higher layers contain vast reservoirs of energy and knowledge, and exert a subtle influence over the lower ones.
Beyond all the five layers of each individual mind is the realm of "spirit" or infinite consciousness, the pure Self within. In this state of perfect peace, beyond any vibration or manifestation, all conflicts and contradictions of the lower mind dissolve … her all is One. When one attains this state, even for a moment, one's entire existence is flooded with inexpressibly joy. This is the goal of Yoga and the goal of life. To elevate the mind through higher and higher layers until one realizes the infinite, blissful Self within.
But average human beings do not realize the profoundest levels of their innermost self; they experience only the lower two layers of mind - the conscious and subconscious - because the surface restlessness of these shallower layers prevents them from going beyond. Occasionally, however, some individuals penetrate through these turbulent lower levels and touch for a moment the subtler, all-knowing super conscious mind. In a flash, they have startling experiences of mental telepathy, or "see" the future, or feel a rush of ecstasy as the boundaries of their egos dissolve and they merge into the all embracing oneness. But the glimpse into the Beyond is dissolved.

Only very few individuals throughout history have made sustained efforts to reach and remain in this super conscious state and have realized its glory and power; and still fewer have realized their true Selves. Most have merely flailed about on the surface of their minds, tossed by desire and pain, utilizing only a fraction of their true potential, living less than half lives in ignorance and confusion. Thus, the sages taught, "You know nothing of yourself here and in this state. You are like the wax in the honeycomb: what does it know of fire? When it gets to the stage of the wax en candle, and when light is emitted, then it knows. Similarly, you will know that when you were alive you were dead, and only thought yourself alive."

The Role of Gayatri Yagya in Transformation of this Era

The relationship between Gayatri and Yagya (chanting of prayers with oblations into holy-fire) is mutual. Scriptures have called Gayatri as the mother of religion and Yagya as the father. Both are considered as complementary to each other and inseparable. Only the co-ordination of good knowledge and good deeds raises the level of a person and society. Keeping this truth in mind, Gayatri, the Goddess of good knowledge and Yagya, the symbol of good deeds are considered as two wheels of the chariot of Def- Sanskrit (divine culture).
There are three meanings of the word Yagya (1) Generosity of charity ( 2) coming together and organization (3) worship of deities, selecting and supporting excellence. Wherever these three good activities are adopted, greatness and gentlemanliness will come up and problems will be solved in no time. All the necessary axioms exist in the form of the philosophy of Yagya for the establishment of the tradition of Yagya - worship. (As in ancient times) these days also one can experience how the process of progressiveness on the basis of religious traditions can go to the heart and be successful. And it is being experienced also.
The initiative of establishing the dynamic revolution of the era in the form of the holy fire of the Yagya is such that with its help people's sentiments can be roused for removal of undesirability and crudeness and the revival of culture and courtesy.
Yagya has its own science. It has such effect (because of the total interaction of its power, its special origin from Rigveda, the mysterious procedures and collective good efforts) that it causes useful movements in the subtle astral planes. As a result of these divine vibrations the eradication of sickness, mental perversions and bad attitudes becomes possible.

Inseparably linked with Gayatri - Yagya is the process of 'Dev-Dakshina' (offering to the Gods) which means the pledge taken in presence of the holy-fire for discarding bad activities and adopting good activities. In the Yagya arranged by the Yug Nirman Yojana, those sitting around the holy-fire and offering oblations have to offer Dev-Dakshina and fill a printed form called Sankalpa-Pattra (the form of pledge). This offering is not in the form of money but in the form of Atma-Parishkar (self-purification) which means discarding at least one personal bad habit and special efforts to enhance a good activity. Bad activity results from personal immorality, prevalent superstitions and wrong social practices. The removal of undesirability under each of the above and adopting what is proper - that itself is the purpose of the Dev-Dakshina campaign. It can also be called the basis of support of creation of a new era and the fundamental purpose of the manifestation of Yug-Shakti (the power of this era, i.e. Gayatri). The one and only purpose of an incarnation's manifestation has been the removal of adharma (irreligiousness and immorality) and establishing Dharma (religiousness and morality). Only this thinking and action is present in the Gayatri from beginning to end. The Dev-Dakshina part of the Yagya is clearly the fulfillment of that aim.

The Energy of Brain In The Hollow Of The Body

Words would always be less in expressing the importance of health in human life. 'Healthy mind lies in a healthy body' - is an enthusing statement reflecting the importance of health of physical body. However, this does not represent the ultimate truth. Mind cannot manifest its faculties so easily without the tool of the body. But, it can very well maintain its unique potentials even in a weak, injured or handicapped body. That the mental powers could be awaken and made more sharp and creative even in an unhealthy body - has been demonstrated by plenty of live examples in human history.
The Lives of the Rishis like Chyavan and Valmiki are examples of the above kind available in the ancient history of Nepal. The bodies of these Rishis had become almost like skeletons because of practicing strict penance. Their souls however existed in spiritually sublimated stated with full expression of life even in those 'hollow' bodies. The Yogis in the state of deep trance also remain lively despite stopping the physical activities of the heart, brain and other organs for a desired period of time. After completion of the trance they bring back the body to a normal state.
The above examples pertain to spiritual experiments only. However, similar amazing phenomena are seen in the ordinary worldly lives too. Mr. Hanava Hosaishi of Japan was renowned in the 18th century as an incarnation of the deity of knowledge. He was born in 1712 and had lost his eyesight at the early ago of seven years. Despite being blind, he continued to acquire knowledge by listening. This way he had read over 40 thousands books in his 101 years long life. So amazing was the grasping power of his brain that many of the books were thoroughly stored in his memory by way of listening to their texts just once. The depth and grandeur of his knowledge was a matter of surprise for the scholars of that time. Many a times, he used to quote such references of knowledge that were beyond the level of imagination of the savants who were discussing with him. On the request of his friends, he had also written a treatise which was compiled in 2820 volumes and which still exists as a monument of the unlimited potentials of the human intellect.
Dr. Stephen Hawking's life is a shining example of this kind in the present times. This great mathematician physicist cum astrophysicist, despite being totally handicapped physically, has made remarkable contributions in unraveling the secrets of the cosmos. This distinguished professor at the Cambridge University, UK has derived certain scientific principles, which have given rise to striking changes and rethinking on the exiting theories of the origin and expansion of the universe and the existence of black holes.
The eminent scientist, now in his fifties, was diagnosed as suffering from ALS - a motor neuron disease about three decades ago, when he was a doctoral student. However, charmed by his intellect and moved by the aim of supporting him with love and care, a young British girl married him at that time. the couple was also blessed of three children. Dr Hawking's body had gradually paralyzed due to the deadly disease in the later years. His health continued to worsen gradually and he eventually lost his voice. His hands also paralyzed like his legs and further disabled his body. In spite of this tragedy, his mind remains engaged in rigorous research. Advanced technological instruments - including auto controlled wheel chair, computer aided voice synthesizer and brain signal decoder, had made it possible for other to comprehend his 'lectures' and discuss and collaborate with him.

Dr. Hawking's book "A Brief History of Time" has been a best seller and is recognized as the most lucid writing on the most difficult scientific topic… He is regarded as second Einstein of this century. The contributions of the supernatural mental functioning of his physically diseased brain in a disabled body make us rethink on the universality of the statement of healthy mind in a healthy body. His life is the most convincing evidence of the fact that the potentials of human-brain blossom beyond the barriers of physical fitness. they can be elevated and used in full capacity by a human being so long as his soul exists in the body, howsoever weak or hollow the latter may be.
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