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Total Health

A. "I will take care of my body because it is the temple of God"
1    I will do some form of exercise at my level of competency and do it regularly in order to discover my points of capability.
2    I will walk, walk, walk - stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch - breathe, breathe, breathe.
3    I will eat the purest possible food bewaring of harmful chemicals and additives, dyes, sweeteners and artificial supplements.
4    I will eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
5    I will watch my diet without getting paranoid about watching.
6    I will eat slowly, thoughtfully, gratefully, remembering to chew my food so thoroughly that it will swallow itself.
7    I will quiet myself with a word of prayer before meals.
8    I will remember to shape up, straighten up, look up and work up to my highest physical potential.
9    I will remember that my body has a will to be well and that I am co-worker in its determination to maintain health and heal itself in periods of sickness and distress.
10  I will not willfully drive my body to a point of exhaustion; neither will I pamper it to a point at which it is weakened by fear or disuse.

B.   "I will take better care of my mind because what I think is related to what I am and what I will become".
1    I will think in terms of health, not sickness.
2    I will think in terms of love, not hate.
3    I will think in terms of God's good guidance over my life.
4    I will think creatively.
5    I will believe that my mind is constantly being renewed, refreshed and strengthened.
6    I will keep an open mind, a compassionate mind, and a thoughtful mind.

"A gentleman is one who can disagree without being disagreeable"
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