Manipur or Solar Chakra: It is
situated at the level of the solar plexus on the inner wall of the spine, just
behind the navel. The Sanskrit word Manipur means "City of jewels".
Its presiding deities are Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi.
Positively, it represents
righteousness, dharma (sustenance), desire for evolution, welfare and wealth.
It advocates the Ten Commandments as the guideline for self-realization.
Negatively, it represents involvement in domestic problems, dominance over
spouse, either fasting or too much interest in food and material wealth.
Anahat or Heart Chakra: It lies
at the inner wall of the spine just behind the centre of the chest. It is
connected to the cardiac plexus and that part of the brain which is responsible
for creativity and fine arts. Anahat means "un-struck", that is, on
awakening, the un-struck cosmic sound - AUM or LOGOS or W ORD, which is created
without the striking of two objects, is heard through inner ears, when all the
internal noises of the mind have been silenced through sustained practices. Its
presiding deities are Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.
In the positive sense it
represents existence, love, truth and truth-attention-joy (sat-chit-ananda). In
the negative sense it represents extreme physical and mental activities, bad relations
(especially with the mother), indulgence in drugs, and no faith in God and
anti-God activities. Aura balancing can remove some negativity.
Vishuddhi or Throat Chakra: It is
located at the juncture of the spine and medulla oblongata, in the cervical
plexus directly behind the throat pit. Its presiding deity is Lord Krishna with
Goddess Radha, who is the eternal witness, watching the cosmic drama with
complete detachment. Literally it means ''centre of purification".
Positively, it suggests
witnessing of the Self. Negatively, it indicated mortality, guilt, sarcastic
attitude, foul tongue, smoking, problems of cold and bronchial tubes - such as
sinus, snoring and panting. Through balancing one can get over these negative
Ajna or Eyebrow Chakra: It is
located at the top of the spinal chord, at the medulla oblongata, and is
connected to the pineal gland. Purification of the pineal guarantees the proper
functioning of pituitary and other glands and thus the chakra takes care of the
whole body. The presiding deity of the
central chakra is Lord Jesus Christ - representing forgiveness and
resurrection, that of the left chakra is Lord Mahavira -representing
subconscious (superego), and the deity of the right chakra is Lord Buddha -
representing ahankar (ego). Ajna is the most important of the psychic centers.
It is also known as 'center of command', 'eye of Shiva, guru chakra, third eye,
etc. It is the gateway to liberation.
The positive aspects of the
center are sight, hearing and through, and the negative aspects are bad
association and wandering eyes. The positive aspects of the left are memories
and conditioning from the past, and the negative aspects are addictions and
self-indulgence. The positive aspects of the right are I-ness, and the negative
aspects are worries, harmful attitude towards others and incorrect notions of
God. Balancing can get over these negative aspects to some extent.
Sahasrara or Crown Chakra: It is
not actually a chakra since it exists above the head in a non-physical form,
while any other chakra is within the realm of psyche and is connected to a
plexus or a set of nerves. Sahasrara is the culmination of the journey of
Kundalini, and the end result of all yoga practices. it has infinite virtues
and can at best be represented by a thousand petal led lotus; hence the name
sahasrara, meaning 'one thousand'. It is represented bya halo around the head
of saints and liberated people. When Shakti and Shiva unite, the process of
self-realization begins as a series of experiences. One's identity is lost -the
seer, seeing, and seen are merged into one 'single awareness'.
Positively, it means going beyond
the duality and above the three states of being or gunas, canned tamas
(inertia), rajas (activity) and sattva (purity). Negatively, it means disbelief
in God. In practical terms it would mean lacking the joy of life, and appearing
withdrawn and aloof. Through balancing, these negative aspects can be taken
care of to a good extent.
There is an additional chakra
called Bindu between Ajna and Sahasrara, situated at the crown of the head. It
is at a point where Hindus tie a tuft of hair, called 'shikha' in Sanskrit.
Bindu and Vishuddhi are internally connected through nerves. As such, bindu
awakens automatically when vishuddhi awakens. Nectar flows from bindu and drips
in vishuddhi. Wherefrom it spreads into the whole body. It arrests the ageing
process and causes rejuvenation.
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