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Determining the Colors of Aura by Other Methods

Our subconscious knows all about the energies, colors and answers to all questions. We only have to bring the information from the subconscious to the conscious by some method, until we are able to see the auras and colors directly. This can be done in the following two ways:
Colors of the aura can be easily found through numbers, which have already been introduced in the previous article. We now know the method of calculating the numbers in the life of a person, so that we can find the corresponding colors and their meanings. For greater details one can refer from the book "Secrets of Numerology1992".
The most important number in the life of a person is his/her talent number which denotes the purpose of life and lessons to be learnt in life. It is calculated by reducing to a single digit the number of the month, the number of the day and the number of the year of birth, adding them up and again reducing the total to a single digit. For example, a person born on July 22, 1941 will have
Month … July……….. = 7
Day …… 22 ………… = 2+2 = 4
Year ….. 1941 ………. = 1+9+4+1 = 15 =1+5 = 6
Total …………………. = 7+4+6 =17 = 1+7 = 8
Talent Number is 8 = Pink color.
This means that material satisfaction is the main purpose of life. This person will have pink as the primary color of the aura, when you see it, and will be tough, tenacious, with love of power, position and materials possessions.
As another example, take a person born on August 15, 1967. = 1, Red color
This means that individuation, independence and attainment are the tools the person is born with. He/she is likely to do some original work and attain a position of authority, if he/she lives truly to the purpose. The total should not be reduced to a single digit only when it is either 11 or 22 as these numbers have their own identity.
The other equally important number is the destiny number, which is calculated through the name of the person. Destiny number represents the circumstances and opportunities in the life of the person. It has unlimited possibilities, unlike the talent number which has only eleven colors for the eleven numbers in numerology. Following the Pythagorean system, each alphabet is given a number according to the following chart:
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
A  B  C  D  E  F  G   H  I  
J   K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R 
S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
Let us take the name Ram Prakash, as an example. Giving numerical value to each alphabet in his name, we get,
914 = 9+1+4 = 14, = 1+4 = 5
7912118 =7+9+1+2+1+1+8 = 29, = 2+9 ==11, =1+1 = 2
Total = 5+2 = 7
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