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Dignity of Human Brain

Regulation of other bodily activities, the right side brain - also called the "philosophical or religious brain, conducts the sensory functions and the sensitive mental processes pertaining to - thinking, imagination, artistic creativity and the soft sentiments like compassion and devotion, intrinsic faith and emotional inclination etc.
If there were sensitive instruments to measure and project the millisecond to millisecond activities of this majestic network then it would have become possible for the scientists to unravel the complete history of one's present and previous lives. It would then have been possible to see in what kinds of Yonis (forms of life) an individual soul had appeared and what were its sinful (papa) actions and what were its morally ecstatic, serene altruist deep (Punya) in the past or the present life. The Sahastrara is like a 'crystal' through which one can get a glimpse of the journey of the soul and retrieve detailed knowledge about the past and the present life. This is the reason why the scriptures of Hindu religion call the Sahastrara as Sutratma - the eternal linkage of the soul.
History has witnessed rare incidents of supernatural memory, depth of knowledge and exceptional talents of humans since the time of yore. Many of these live examples also highlight the eternal connection of the soul with the conscious, unconscious and super-conscious faculties of the mind. Observance of extraordinary potentials of farsightedness, clairvoyance, telepathy and other kinds of supernatural perceptions also gives evidential support to this aspect. Many such cases observed in the past few centuries have been recorded and compiled with authentic reports in some western countries. In his book 'New Frontiers of Mind', Mr. J.B. Rine has sighted many examples of clairvoyance which were analyzed and tested by the neuroscientists and psychologists. Over fifty percent of the partly reported cases were proved to be true. Hundred percent of the cases pertaining to supernatural 'vision' during dreams or in a trancelike state of the mind were found to be true. One such case reported by Mr. Rine is described below.
Mr. Rine's neighbor's wife had once dreamt that her brother, who lived in a distant village, is going to his granary in a horse cart. There he opened his cart and all of a sudden climbed up the scaffold and committed suicide by shooting himself by a revolver. He had then fallen on a heap of chaff nearby. The lady was so frightened by this dream that she got up and asked her husband to immediately start for her brother's village. Her husband went to Mr. Rine's father to borrow his horse cart. The couple reached the village next day early morning. The lady was shocked to find her brother's dead body lying in his granary in exactly the same position as she had seen in the dream.
Another incident of similar kind was published in the above book. This was reported to Mr. Rine by one of his friends, who were a professor. This had happened when the professor's wife was playing a game of bridge in a friend's house. She suddenly felt as if her daughter, whom she had left at home, is in some serious trouble. She wanted to inquire about her little daughter over telephone but had to continue playing cards on her friend's request. But, after a while, she felt so uneasy and mentally disturbed that she left the game and rushed to the phone. A maidservant received the phone…. When the lady asked about her daughter's well being the servant paused for a while and replied 'she is all right'. As her friend insisted to complete the game, she then played for some more time and reached home in the evening. There she learnt that her daughter had had a narrow escape from serious injuries in a car accident.
When the girl (daughter) was going in a car with her father Professor, she was on the back seat peeping through open window…., she lost her balance and was kicked out due to a sudden jerk… Somehow, she got hold of the window glass and was almost hanging outside the speedy car. She was so scared that she could not even scream…! Before her father could realize the mis-happening, the traffic police noticed her and stopped the car within a few minutes. Had there been slight delay, the girl would have slipped down and got crushed in the running traffic. The tragic movements of this accident were exactly those when her mother felt uneasy and panicked about her. The daughter had reached home safely by the time her mother had phoned there. As the child was all right, the maidservant did not tell anything over phone about the incident.
The above mentioned Professor has also reported in Rine's book about his receiving subtle signals from the cosmos when he was a graduate student living a top the hills of Pennsylvania. Such experiences cited in the book reflect the potentials of the subconscious and the unconscious mind.
In the state of dream all the activities of our body are internalized under the control of the ever- active unconscious mind. The truths of the events seen in a dream or experienced subconsciously signify the linkage of brain (mind) with the eternal consciousness of the soul which is inspired by the omnipresent supreme consciousness and is beyond the reach of any sentience. The supernatural experiences associated with different faculties of mind indicate the existence of a supreme source which is absolute and which can never be pound within the limits of time and space. Einstein had accepted the existence of the absolute power of consciousness. He had even attempted proving its eternity through his theory of relativity.
Modern science has not yet been able to elucidate and analyze the activities of the unconscious mind in human brain. As the research in this direction advances in collaboration with that in the fields of subtle sciences, the role of Sahastrara would become clear and recognized as the source of the eternal expression of the soul.
Scientific experiments on rats and monkeys have helped understanding the neurophysiology of their motor control. In human beings, the complexities are so high even at the level of simple physiological activities that much of these auto regulatory mechanisms of the brain still remain the topics of research. Its automatic control of the sensory perception is more complicated. The brain experiences (as pain) the injuries of a leg or any other organ. The eyes weep but the sorrow is felt by the brain (mind). The body moves but it is the brain which worries about the hindrances along the path. The hands use tools but it is the brain which enables them to do so …. Whatever one thinks, does, believe and feels is because of the brain (mind). In essence, the existence of an individual is there because of his brain.

The approach of the Rishis - the perfect scientists of ancient times, had been comprehensive in understanding and using the majestic potentials of human brain. They had focused their research on its subtle faculties - the Mana ( mind) , Buddhi (intellect), Citta (the inherent memory and source of mental tendencies) and Ahamkar (the sense of being - the manifestation of the existence of the soul) . They were able to study all the spiritual and mental aspects of the   brain by realizing the existence, functions and eternal linkage of its subtle entities with the soul. Acquisition of the knowledge of its activities at the physical, physiological, neurological and biochemical levels was an offshoot of their realizations of its subtle activities. They were able to attain supernatural talents and make use of the body beyond the barriers of time and space. These accomplishments remain unparalleled in human history.
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