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Give Five Gems in Heritage to the Children

Orderliness peace and progress of a society depends on its citizens. The character of the citizens depends on their upbringing and character - formation during their childhood. The upbringing of children cannot be done properly until the parents obtain the proper knowledge about it. To have children is not a matter of good fortune. Only when they become knowledgeable and worthy, then it is a matter of good fortune. Parents leave behind a legacy of wealth, fields, agriculture, gold and silver, money, trade etc for their children. It helps somewhat in carrying on their life, but all these things are irrelevant from the point of view of development of character. When the character is of a low level and the person is in the grip of laziness and procrastination, the heir wastes away the wealth or otherwise Lakshmi (the Goddess of wealth) leaves his abode because she finds him ignorant and disorganized. He can never have peace of mind in his life. Those who want their children to be really happy and their futures bright, it will be proper for them to imbue their children with good qualities. This bestowing of good qualities is possible only for those who themselves have something of their own. Only the rich can leave behind money for their children but only a virtuous person can leave a legacy of developed character for his children.
Children's understanding is undeveloped, they are not able to understand lectures properly but their power of imitation is very strong. They easily learn whatever they see and immediately imitate it.
1. The lesson of toil: If we wish that our children do not become lazy and do not shirk work, then we must put before them the example of toil and involvement in work and just like us, prepare a time-table for them to be involved in some work.
2. Generosity is another virtue. Children usually fight with their brothers and sisters. They indulge in quarrels and grabbing and snatching for items of food and drink, toys or some other things. This habit should never be encouraged, instead they must be taught to share sweets etc with their brothers and sisters and then eat. Nobody can destroy peace and love when there is a policy of forget and forgive, remembering one's duty and forgetting one's right. Generosity is the biggest guarantee for peace in the family
3. Cleanliness and simplicity: Cleanliness is the third virtue. One's things should not be out of place. Clothes, shoes, vessels, books, pen etc are normally thrown here and there by children who immediately forget, and go about their work. They must be taught that only after completing one work another work should be undertaken and untidiness should be despised.
4. Good use of time: Working by a time-table in daily life is an important quality for putting human-life to good use. Most people do not understand the value of time. Enterprise is the other name for the good use of time.

5. Courtesy and gentlemanliness: Politeness, gentlemanliness, courteous conduct, pleasant speech, goodness - these are the qualities by which other people get attracted to us, have compassion for us, become our admirers and become cheerful in our company. The quality of making others our own lies only in honesty and goodness in dealing or conduct with others. In the school that is family, the practice of goodness, gentlemanliness and pleasantness must be taught to the children from childhood only. The elders in the family when talking to the juniors should address them with respect.
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