According to the line of Yajurved 38/21 has given us instruction about the
formation of character, that can be explain as — "O men, just as Good
protects and nurtures everyone by being everywhere, similarly you protect and
nourish all the living beings by achieving excellence."
The desire for progress and the fulfillment of one's material desires are two
entirely different matters. The common forms of both appear similar, but on
minute observation, the vast difference as between the sky and the earth, can
be seen. Progress is the name for that need in life which illuminates the
individuality, unfolds the personality and increases the worthiness. It means
the development of those capabilities which can make the body, mind, nature and
the deeds clean and will developed. This itself is realistic progress. Only
such an evolved individuality is capable of taking courageous steps and
achieving miraculous powers.
condition of a man involved in satisfying material desires is like an
intoxicated man's. Mostly, the man keeps uncontrollable desires of achieving heaven
and earth without having any assessment of his own situation, worth and means.
These desires are never fulfilled; on the contrary they make him restless and
unhappy. If someone does achieve something, then such undeserving person,
because of his unsuitability, causes harm to himself and others by the suddenly
gained wealth.
real meaning of progress is to achieve progress in the creation of a well
developed personality based on a clean body and pure mind. Only with progress
do brightness and excellence arise
in man and he shines like deities, complete with divine qualities.
scriptures mention three classes, viz, devata, manav and danav. Danavs (or
demons) are inferior or lowly, manav or man is in the middle category and
devata or deity or divine man is in the superior category. Today man is heading
towards 'danavta' (or demonism). He is badly trapped in the sole desire for
more and more money, for the welfare of his progeny (children), and achieving
fame at any cost. He is ready to do anything for his selfish ends, and does not
care at all for what is proper or improper. Every type of bad tendency and
wicked action is becoming an inseparable part of his character and despite
knowing it; he does not want to give up any of them. Such a man, trapped in
demoniac activity, goes on destroying himself.
the other hand, deities are complete with all the qualities. They have
extraordinary capacity and brightness of intelligence. They are full of
supremacy, enthusiasm, and wealth (of various types such as knowledge, wisdom,
discretion and so on). A man replete with such divine qualities is called
'nara-ratna' (or gems among men). Just like the deities, such a man, wishes
always to protect and nourish all, seeing in them al the same soul as is in
him. All the great men in the world have seen the peaceful light of God, the
Supreme Father in all the living beings and opened up the path of uplift and progress
for all.
this divine sentiment becomes a part of our character, we too can go unto the highest
step of progress.
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