The line of Rigved 10/9/12 says us that - water is beneficial to man. By using
it, the outer and inner dirt is removed.
The glory of motherhood lies in the welfare of the children. A mother is always
alert about her child's good health and good habit, and God knows how much
hardship she suffers for the child's sake. A woman's life becomes glorified by
children with good qualities and good habits and right from the time of
conception to the child's birth and even thereafter her remaining life she
spends for the welfare of her children. Similarly, God the Supreme Father keeps
this world going with the desire for the welfare of His children. He gives
happiness, like the happiness through a mother’s tender care, for all the
living beings and makes arrangements for feeding them all. Among the
innumerable types of help given by God, the importance of water is maximum and
it is beneficial for all.
has been described as life and nectar in the Vedas. Water has wonderful
health-giving medicinal properties and it can remove a number of diseases.
Ayurved recognizes the great importance of water for the treatment of diseases.
The percentage of water in man’s body is 70 percent, in the brain it is 90
percent and in solid bones it is 25 percent. Man’s body is made up of the five
elements of water, earth, air, space and fire.
entire beauty of this earth is because of water. The pleasant greenery, the
beautiful fragrant flowers and plants, the trees laden with tasty fruits, ghee
(butter-oil), milk, curds, butter, etc all this is produced through water only.
When the water filled with the rare minerals of the mountains reaches the
fields, the earth yields a golden harvest. All the works of the world are
dependent upon the benevolence of water. The authority or supremacy of water is
all pervading. Water possesses many great qualities and it is the nectar of our
drinking clean and cool water all the dirt of the body is flushed out (through
bowel-movements and urine) Ayurved mentions ‘usha-paan’ (i.e. drinking of water
on getting up in the down) The man who drinks about two glassfuls of water,
always remain healthy. This is because the bowels move and with the emptying of
the bowels, the mind becomes cheerful, man develops a good appetite and the
digestive system works efficiently. With ‘Usha paan’ many diseases and
weaknesses are removed. If instead of drinking water with the mouth, practice
is made of drinking water through the nose. It is extremely beneficial for the
health. It increases the brightness of the eyes, raises the level of
intelligence and drive away old age.
is extremely necessary for the cleanliness of the body. A daily bath is useful
for strength, energy and health. A bath with clean and cool water removes dirt,
perspiration and tiredness. It increases physical strength and luster and gives
longevity. As far as possible, avoid bathing with warm water. Bathing with cold
water is beneficial for the health.
Thus we
can say that water is life itself.
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