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Live with Restraint and Celibacy

Meaning: As stated in the line of Rigved 10/18/4 and Yajurved 35/15 – God has granted a longevity more than a hundred years to mankind. Therefore, man should live with restraint and celibacy and not die a premature death.
Message: The Creator has made this creation with his remarkable skill. He is everywhere. He is the guardian and decides the destiny of all. Everything works according to His rules and control. He does not allow disorganization anywhere. There are 84,00,000 forms of life in this world, each form of life more wonderful than the other, some so small that they cannot be seen or even fifty times more than a human being’s. Every life has a definite life-spam ranging from one to two seconds for some to several hours, for some others to some das, and for yet some others years. If we see all around us with open eyes, then by seeing this definite order, our mind fills with awe.
God has granted innumerable blessings including that of life-spam to all forms of life. Everyone’s life-span is decided. He has fixed the life spans of even trees and plants. The life of the wheat-plant is around four months, during that time it sprouts from the seed, grows and bears grains and then dries out. If we wish that wheat-grains should be ready within one month’s or that the plant should remain lush green for one year, then it is against the rules of Nature and also not possible. The same applies to all trees, plants and other forms of life.
In the same way He has decided man’s life-span as of one hundred years and it is expected of him that he should not break this limit and not cross it, i.e. all human beings should live for about a hundred years and should not die before that. We should push away premature death through our diligence. This is the promise of God to his dear children and His order also.
God has graced us and given this human body complete with all qualities for fulfilling certain special aims. These special aims can be fulfilled only when we maintain our schedule of diet and daily routine in such a way as not to fall ill. Except for man, other forms of life do not fall ill. In their rhythm with nature, they live their full life-span and die when their time is due, but never fall ill. In contrast to this man always conducts himself against the nature and is always suffering from one or the other illness. More money is spent on medicines compared to the amount spent on food, and man dies prematurely by leading a life of burden.
Man should make labor, austerity and diligence a part of his life while observing restraint and celibacy in life so that even if death comes to his door, it will turn away, seeing that the man is still busy and it is not yet time for him to depart from this world.
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