says earn and acquire as much wealth by honest means as you can but also
upgrade yourself as a human being that is, as the one who can see self in
other. It means cultivating pleasing manners. The least you can do is not to
offend and hurt others with your behavior. To become a better and responsible
person with good civic sense, to embrace virtues like honesty, truthfulness,
patience, consideration for fellow human beings and compassion for those who
are not as privileged as you are. However, material prosperity tends to erode
character, values and behavior in some and this is something that we need to guard
example, some of us are so proud of our children – who are not even eligible
for a driving license – when they drive cars in by lanes at high speed. We
don’t mind telling lies for petty gains. Arrogance and ego grow along with
growth in income. Patience in one is seen as a sign of weakness, you are called
a “loser”. You are seen as an achiever, as one who gets things done if you can
jump the queue as others wait patiently their turn. The more we earn and the
more things we acquire, the greedier we become.
distinguishing feature of our prosperity is – as we acquire wealth we start
looking down on the less privileged. Suddenly we feel we’re different – and so
create a separation. We change our manner and demeanor according to who we
address – a VIP or someone who is less known. Test of our behavior is not how
we treat VIPs or those who matter to us but how we treat the people who are
less fortunate than us.
behavior and conduct in society is not only about how we relate to each other
but also in the way we treat public places and facilities. The Delhi Metro
train service is a case in point. Within five years it has grown so much in
popularity that it is almost always full of commuters. However, if it were not
mandatory for Metro doors to remain closed, chances are that people would think
nothing of hanging out, risking their lives and others’.
and pleasant manners need not be restricted to the home, office or among peers
and friends – it needs to be evident in public places as well. Pushing and
shoving each other to catch a train or bus does not behave those who otherwise
project themselves as educated or evolved people. Senior citizens and others
who might be physically challenged need to be given preference in seating and
so on. With material progress and technological advance, we need to also take
care to nurture comparable upward evolution of our own selves.
To come
back to Vedanta culture and tradition, a truly evolved human being would be
perceived as one who would be sensitive to the needs of others and not only his
own. This is the reason perhaps why all Vedic rituals and prayers are directed not
at the welfare of any one individual but are meant for the common benefit of
all. Hence, the tradition promotes the concept that all life is one family – vasudhaiv kutumbakam.
manners and compassionate outlooks are marks of one who is on the path of
onward evolution, striving to reach higher planes of consciousness. Good
ethical practices and mindful living are not the preserve of the renunciation –
they are equally important for those who choose to live in the world and yet
perhaps strive to rise above it.
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